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Who Am I (Casting Crowns)

发表于 2007-9-22 20:29:54 | 只看该作者


Who am I? 我是誰?
That the Lord of all the earth, 以致於全地的主,
Would care to know my name, 在乎我的名字,
Would care to feel my hurt. 在乎我的傷害
Who am I? 我是誰?
That the bright and morning star, 那顆明亮的晨星,
Would choose to light the way, 將照亮我的路,
For my ever wandering heart. 為了我流浪的心.

Not because of who I am, 不在於我是誰,
But because of what you've done. 而在於你所成的事
Not because of what I've done, 不在於我做了甚麼,
But because of who you are. 而在於你是誰.

I am a flower quickly fading, 我是花兒快速枯萎,
Here today and gone tomorrow, 今天還在 明天就不在了,
A wave tossed in the ocean, 海洋中拋起的波浪,
A vapor in the wind. 風中的煙霧.
Still you hear me when I'm calling, 當我呼求你時,你仍聽得見.
Lord, you catch me when I'm falling, 當我跌倒時,主你抓住我.
And you've told me who I am. 你更告訴我 我是誰.
I am yours. 我屬你.
I am yours. 我屬你.

Who am I? 我是誰?
That the eyes that see my sin 那看得見我罪孽的雙眼
Would look on me with love 將以愛看顧著我
And watch me rise again. 並看著我再次站起來.
Who am I? 我是誰?
That the voice that calmed the sea, 那平靜大海的聲音
Would call out through the rain, 將在雨中呼喚
And calm the storm in me. 更平靜我內心的風浪

Bridge&Chorus 2x

I am yours. 我屬你.

Whom shall I fear? 我還懼怕誰呢?
Whom shall I fear? 我還懼怕誰呢?
'Cause I am yours. 因我屬你.
I am yours. 我屬你.

wert 发表于 2007-9-26 17:53:57 | 只看该作者
GC!!!! LZ多发点英文的歌吖,中文的好无聊吖,加油
鬼影 发表于 2007-9-26 18:30:10 | 只看该作者
[s:22] [s:22]
寶貝不乖 发表于 2007-9-27 22:41:43 | 只看该作者
MS不错的样子~ 哈哈~[s:34]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-9-22 20:25:26 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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